Madurai Malligai

Madurai and its Jasmine Malligai A Celebration

The Malligai features in all 'Life cycle' ceremonies like Birth, Puberty, betrothal, Wedding, Pregnancy, Death etc.


Madurai's unique link with the jasmine probably dates back to 300 BC or earlier. There are extensive references to the flower in Sangam literature — the Tamil poems of the period 300 BC to AD 300,which are believed to have been composed or written at the Sangam or assembly of Tamil scholars, regularly held in Madurai during that period. One of the Sangam poems describes how Pari, a Tamil king, could not bear to see a beautiful and delicate mullai jasmine creeper lying on the hard forest floor. And he gifted his royal chariot to the plant so that the jasmine creeper could twine itself around it and rest more comfortably!

The Jasmine is mentioned in old Hindu scriptures and also in ancient works like the Mahabharata and Kamasutra.

About The Book

So why write a book on the jasmine? To begin with, I wasn't very clear about this, but after constant visits to the flower weavers, seeing them at work, listening to their stories, and witnessing the early morning ritual of the picking of the buds, day after day...
ISBN No.: 978-93-5300-241-1
For details contact 77080-91177

How to Tie the Malligai



Leave two or three inches of thread at one end, and then begin



Place one flower above and one below on the thread as shown,



Pull the loop firmly so that the flowers stay in place.



Place another pair of flowers next to the first one.



Continue to add pairs of flowers in the same way

News Clips


When she arrived in Madurai after her marriage, to Uma Kannan the city seemed to revel in an abundance of jasmine. The only Indian Airlines flight to Chennai, which was known as the 'Malli Special' in the 1970s, would be loading baskets and baskets of Madurai malli or malligai (jasmine) to Chennai, and for onward transportation. She recalls thinking that there were more jasmine baskets on the flight than passengers!

Thirty-four years later, the jasmine took on a new meaning for her, on a more personal level, when She arranged a number of malli workshops.

Uma Kannan

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testimonial 1

Leaving India with a copy of Madurai Malligai wasn't easy. I was very lucky that my hotel in Madurai helped me to get a copy through Dr Kannan's publisher on the morning before I left. I enquired with a number of bookstores in Madurai with no luck and at the time, every online retailer was out of stock. I'm hoping this will change in the future because this is an excellent book for anyone interested in flowers and perfumery; I already have a list of friends I want to gift a copy


Leaving India with a copy of Madurai Malligai wasn't easy. I was very lucky that my hotel in Madurai helped me to get a copy through Dr Kannan's publisher on the morning before I left. I enquired with a number of bookstores in Madurai with no luck and at the time, every online retailer was out of stock. I'm hoping this will change in the future because this is an excellent book for anyone interested in flowers and perfumery; I already have a list of friends I want to gift a copy


Leaving India with a copy of Madurai Malligai wasn't easy. I was very lucky that my hotel in Madurai helped me to get a copy through Dr Kannan's publisher on the morning before I left. I enquired with a number of bookstores in Madurai with no luck and at the time, every online retailer was out of stock. I'm hoping this will change in the future because this is an excellent book for anyone interested in flowers and perfumery; I already have a list of friends I want to gift a copy