Our School is affiliated to the CBSE, New Delhi till class X. Our vidyalaya caters to diverse capabilities of individual students with an emphasis on teaching students to think and evolve their own creative solutions while drawing upon the experience of teachers. To meet the required standards, each classroom here maintains 40:1 student- teacher ratio, to ensure personalized attention. Here excellence is valued and each academically gifted student is chiseled to measure up to their full potential.
We aim to ensure that our teaching is child centered and that all our pupils make the most of their academic abilities, through a regimen of excellent teaching, a pursuit of wide variety of co- curricular activities both on and off the field. With a maximum of 40 students in each class, there is a friendly relationship between the staff and the students.
Structured and supervised study is a necessary part of successful education. At present, the school offers education from classes Pre- K.G to Grade X under the CBSE Board. Admissions are restricted till Grade VIII for CBSE.
The school's distinctive character is reflected in its committed staff of teachers, coordinators etc., Who involve in a wide variety of extra and co-curricular activities by developing a warm and friendly relationship with the students.
Individual attention to students, through small groups encourage knowledge acquisition, research discovery, invention and adventure and it helps student to achieve a well integrated personality by imparting training in: