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Message from Principal

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Dear Parents and Students,


Progressive English School, Sharjah had a humble beginning in 1981.Since then, the school has covered a long distance and day by day it is flourishing. During their past years, the school has achieved distinction in scholastic and co-scholastic areas and has set new benchmarks. We are proud of our students who have gone far and wide and are making a difference in their chosen field.

I am sure you have understood a fair portion of the activities, programs and culture practiced in our school through our website. My team and I are here to welcome your wards to a holistic educational experience. Our vision is to provide an environment that encompasses overall development and progress in all our students. We ensure to ground our teaching techniques and values to all our varied learners. Our mission to produce Global citizens, embedded with skills that help them stand out in a crowd. I believe that charity sensitivity, understanding, leadership and intellectual growth to be the focal points of development in is reflected in to all our students.

“ All of us who work at Progressive English School see ourselves as partners in our learning community.”

We look to the future of the school and students with great anticipation. Hope that we may be able to welcome your child to this community-so that we continue to share in that excitement of learning and play an active role in shaping their futures, that of Sharjah and this world.”

Guided by our inspirational motto ‘Learn, Progress, Lead’, we endeavor to achieve our vision.

We strive to build values in our students so that they can go out in the world as socially responsible global citizens who stand up and be counted upon for the making of a better world.